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Gaj Kesari Yogh Pendant

A very fine cushion cut Golden Yellow sapphire and two real salt water pearl set in gold square pendant is must for Gaj-KesariYogh for self contentment, status, prestige, knowledge, wisdom, honour, peace of mind, creativity, recognition, appreciation, be on the track, rise in luck, achievements, progress, promotion and happiness specially if your Lagna is Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces.

Specially recommended for those people who are taking professional qualification or professional qualified but still going through struggle or getting nowhere, health, happiness, rise in luck, flow of income, wealth, assets, savings power in your speech, convincing power, recognition, appreciation, creativity, common sense, wisdom, rise in luck and prosperity, birth of a child & Education.

Yellow Sapphires

A very fine EM Cut Yellow sapphire must for all those people whose rising signs Lagan is Sagittarius & Pisces as life stone for health stability defence from any crises name fame establishment peace of mind mental strength family happiness comforts profession status prestige career honour and also must for Scorpio, Aquarius for flow of income wealth savings assets power authority wisdom common sense creativities appreciation recognition decisions choices source of incomes resources opportunities and must for all those people who are professional qualified artists creative knowledgeable people skill holders professional consultants.

Gaj Kesari Yogh Pendant

A very fine cushion cut Golden Yellow sapphire and two real salt water pearl set in gold square pendant is must for Gaj-KesariYogh for self contentment, status, prestige, knowledge, wisdom, honour, peace of mind, creativity, recognition, appreciation, be on the track, rise in luck, achievements, progress, promotion and happiness especially if your Lagna is Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces.

Specially recommended for those people who are taking professional qualification or professional qualified but still going through struggle or getting nowhere, health, happiness, rise in luck, flow of income, wealth, assets, savings power in your speech, convincing power, recognition, appreciation, creativity, common sense, wisdom, rise in luck and prosperity, birth of a child & Education.


A Em Cut Emerald with its colour is life stone for rising sign Lagna Gemini & Virgo for health, stability, defence from any crises, vision, imagination, peace of mind, family happiness, happiness, comforts, property, profession, career, status, prestige, honour & establishment and also must for rising signs Lagna Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Pisces regarding flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, power in your speech, presentation, vision, imagination, creativities, activities, education, birth of a child, Source of income, financial opportunities, resources, flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, rise in luck, prosperity, rising, marriage, relationship, joint venture, joint project, companionship, Profession, career, status, prestige, honour, establishment, peace of mind & happiness.


A Em Cut Emerald with its colour is life stone for rising sign Lagna Gemini & Virgo for health, stability, defence from any crises, vision, imagination, peace of mind, family happiness, happiness, comforts, property, profession, career, status, prestige, honour & establishment and also must for rising signs Lagna Taurus, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius & Pisces regarding flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, power in your speech, presentation, vision, imagination, creativities, activities, education, birth of a child, Source of income, financial opportunities, resources, flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, rise in luck, prosperity, rising, marriage, relationship, joint venture, joint project, companionship, Profession, career, status, prestige, honour, establishment, peace of mind & happiness.

Emerald Diamond Gold Platinum Ring

A very fine combination astrological jewel a unique combination ring in Astro Gemmology consist of very fine Em cut Emerald & two Em cut very fine diamonds set in Gold Platinum Lady’s Ring , may I say in applied astrology this unique ring is for Beauty, vision, imagination, patience, dealings, salesmanship, diplomacy, female health, higher status, prestige, expressive personality, art, craft, skills, finance, Accountant, stock & share market, stock broker, dealer, business management, CEO, fame, name, sales strategist, comedian, musician, political advisor, policy maker, establishment, comforts, arts, actor, legal professional, & specially most unique ring for if your rising sign Langa is Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn & Aquarius for flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, presentation, sales executive, convincing power, Dealer, health, stability, defence from any crises, vision, imagination, creativity, activities, common sense, wisdom, decision making strategy, rise in luck, prosperity, luxuries, life styles, rising, spirituality, profession, status, prestige, honour, career, establishment, peace of mind, properties, assets, savings, power in speech, governing power, strength, confidence & establishment and justify our slogan ”Discover the Difference” when it comes to quality.

Emerald Diamond Gold Platinum Ring

A very fine combination astrological jewel a unique combination ring in Astro Gemmology consist of very fine Em cut Emerald & two Em cut very fine diamonds set in Gold Platinum Lady’s Ring , may I say in applied astrology this unique ring is for Beauty, vision, imagination, patience, dealings, salesmanship, diplomacy, female health, higher status, prestige, expressive personality, art, craft, skills, finance, Accountant, stock & share market, stock broker, dealer, business management, CEO, fame, name, sales strategist, comedian, musician, political advisor, policy maker, establishment, comforts, arts, actor, legal professional, & specially most unique ring for if your rising sign Langa is Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn & Aquarius for flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, presentation, sales executive, convincing power, Dealer, health, stability, defence from any crises, vision, imagination, creativity, activities, common sense, wisdom, decision making strategy, rise in luck, prosperity, luxuries, life styles, rising, spirituality, profession, status, prestige, honour, career, establishment, peace of mind, properties, assets, savings, power in speech, governing power, strength, confidence & establishment and justify our slogan ”Discover the Difference” when it comes to quality.


A round brilliant cut Diamond ready to set a life stone for Taurus & Libra for vision, imagination, health, happiness, stability, defence from any crises, success, prosperity, romance, companionship, name, fame & quite important stone for Capricorn & Aquarius regarding Profession, career, status, prestige, honour, name, fame, establishment, rise in luck, rising, establishment, recognition, appreciation, decision making strategy, creativity, peace of mind, comforts & life styles justify our slogan ”Discover the Difference” when it comes to quality.

Yellow Sapphire

A finest golden yellow sapphire emerald cut with brilliance colour clarity and is Life stone for rising signs Lagna Sagittarius & Pisces for health, stability, defence from any crises, vision, imagination, peace of mind, family happiness, happiness, comforts, property, profession, career, status, prestige, honour & establishment and also must for rising signs Lagna Cancer, Leo, Scorpio & Aquarius regarding rise in luck, rising, creativity, activities, vision, imagination, decision choices making strategy, education, birth of a child, source of income, resources, opportunities, flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, power of speech & presentation And Yellow sapphire is must for all the professional qualified people whose profession is based on their knowledge, ability, art, craft and skill.

Emerald and Rubies

A finest selection of Pear shape Emerald & Pear shape Rubies when you wear them together like Ruby-Emerald then this combination can & do create RAJ-YOGH a self content Status, prestige, honour, professional qualification, recognition, appreciation, authority, power, speaking power, professional job, official appointment, political career, expert in your own field, power and is must for rising sign Lagna Leo & Sagittarius.


A very fine Ruby Pear shape nice colour clarity brilliance life stone for Rising Sign Lagna Leo regarding stability, vision, imagination, stability from any crises, drive, health, fitness & establishment & also for the rising sign Lagna Cancer, Scorpio & Sagittarius regarding flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, power in your speech presentation, profession, career, status, prestige, honour, ability, rise in luck, prosperity, rising, success & prosperity.

This stone is must for all those people dealing with legal profession, professional political leader, anything to deal with authority, law & Govt.


A very fine ZAMBIAN Pear shape EMERALD nice colour clarity brilliance life stone for Rising Sign Lagna Gemini & Virgo regarding stability, vision, imagination, stability from any crises, drive, health, fitness & establishment & also for the rising sign Lagna Leo, Pisces & Sagittarius regarding flow of income, wealth, assets, savings, power in your speech presentation, profession, career, status, prestige, honour, ability, rise in luck, prosperity, rising, success & prosperity.

This stone is must for all those people dealing with Finance, Accounts, professional BANKAR, anything to deal with stockbroker, financial market & Professional Salesman Ship.

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